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Donald Duck: The Bees Have It!
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Storycode: KD0790 · Pages: 12
Script: William Van Horn · Art: William Van Horn
U.S. publications: DDAD 4

Donald wrinkles his beak. His nephews have Fudgie Wudgies with artificial flavors for breakfast instead of real honey. Their uncle cannot allow this. Disguised as a bee, he wants to steal the precious nectar from real bees. After he has had to flee from two bee hunters and uncounted hives, he is left without any honey in the end and, pricked all over, asks his nephews for the “unhealthy” Fudgie Wudgies.

This is Bill’s first Donald Duck story. Originally drawn as a six-pager, it was turned down by Gladstone’s editor. Years later, Van Horn expanded the comic to 12 pages. The Disney Studios then published this very successful story.

Bill drew 275 bees and three times his funny bird.

Bill also made a cover for this story (DDAD 4).

Illustration © Disney.
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